Sunday, May 14, 2017


 I hope each of you has a wonderful Mother's Day.   My world is full of a great husband, two incredible daughters and six grandchildren.  Most of you know Sugar Bit.
 Drill Bit, Lil Bit and Bitty Bit/the Viking are moving closer to me and I'm SO EXCITED!!  I will see them more.
 Beach Bit-- and Sugar Bit-- live across the street, so they really have two houses to go back and forth between.  We love it!
 Dogs and Bits are all intertwined here.   It's the norm!
So, Beach Bit says Happy Mother's Day-- to moms of two legged kids and four legged kids.   Happy Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Its Mothers Day here in Australia too.
    Nearly the end of the day here..... saw my "bits" ( I have two grand childen ) yesterday and I have my Mum over today.
    We wish you all a wonderful day :)
