Thursday, May 18, 2017


 We just got this sweet boy.  He was in a near by animal control and they asked us for help.
 Oh my, can you resist that look in his eyes?
 He is between 6 and 8 years old-- right now it is hard to tell because he has been so neglected.
 His teeth are awful, his skin was flea infested, and he is not neutered yet.  He is also heartworm positive.  (Please, please, if you do not give your dogs heartworm preventative, DO IT!   It is not worth the suffering dogs go through with this preventable condition.  The treatment is rough.)
Click here: Heartworms in Dogs | What are Heartworms? | petMD
 We had to shave him completely down.   Here he is with Paisley (his foster sister) and Mr. Darcy, his foster brother (the black one).
 He looks pretty pathetic, but he was so matted that we had to do this.  He is now on antibiotics, and will have a dental and neuter next week.  We will do those before his heartworm treatment begins.  (It is often better to wait to put them under anesthesia, but this boy needs to have his teeth cleaned desperately.  We need to get the infection and bad teeth out of his mouth.)
We do not think "Charlie" really fits him.  Look at one of the first pictures, and tell me what you would name him (I'll post on facebook, so you can give a suggestion there, or you can comment on the blog).   We will do all we can to help him!


  1. Oh I do think that there boy is a Charlie !

    He looks kind of a cheeky cockney guy to me ... so ...say "Charlie" with a British cockney accent when you call him ! LOL

    Super cute .... doing the adoption dance .... well a little different today ... here it is for Charlie - The Lambeth Walk by a Bunny!

  2. The eyes say so much and now he has an opportunity and chance to have real love and care. I can hardly wait for the healing to start so those eyes will reflect his new life.

    For some strange reason he strikes me as an Amos. Hebrew for brave and strong.

  3. He looks like a "Lance" to me in the face. "Lancelot"
    He looks like a big heart and I hope he can
    fight through the heartworm treatments with courage.

    (I'm pretty new to your group...)

  4. Pooh bear he's a beautiful boy❤

  5. Pooh bear he's a beautiful boy.

  6. I like the suggestion of Amos and I thought he might be a Sammy.
