Friday, June 23, 2017


 Elwood came into rescue in January of 2014.  I thought a snow picture this time of year would cool us all off.   Does it make you want to get a sweater?
 Elwood was a young Peke (with maybe a little Chin in there) and he was so sweet!  
 He was adopted very quickly and went to live with Moe.   I did the home check and took Elwood with me-- and the two dogs became INSTANT best friends.  They ran all over the yard, like they had known each other forever!
 It takes a lot to tire out Elwood (who got his name from my husband-- he always wanted a dog named Elwood!).    His nickname is Mr. Personality-- because he has a huge one!
 Elwood and Moe are usually together, sitting on a chair, cuddling with their dad.  He calls them his boyz.
Elwood is one of those perfect dogs that are so happy, loving and wonderful.   We hope that all our fosters can become like Elwood!  HAPPY!!


  1. What a beautiful black and white boy!!!!

  2. What a happy ending. Beautiful baby❤

  3. I am not sure about a picture of the snow cooling me off with it being over 110 degrees outside. However, compared
    to all the sad stories out there in the world, the happy ever after did my heart good.
