Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Granger Danger was here over the week-end and he will spend next week with me.  
 He is a PVPC alumni and belongs to my daughter.  
 You never know what he will be up to.   Hiding?
 The ball is too far.  How sad.
 He loves to play with Gigi, his sister dog.
 Or just lay in the yard with her.   They have a huge fenced yard because Granger is very fast and likes to escape.  
 They are moving to Williamsburg and I'm so excited because they will be so much closer!
 He is so sweet with everyone-- but he's also a "bad dog!"   He can get into things, escape from things... but when it comes to people, he is a sweetheart!
 He can snuggle and then try to get out of the yard.
 He is as loose as jello.
 The Bits were using Pi as a pillow when...
 Granger shot under her to find his spot.  lol
He found the Bits' trampoline at my house.  He thought it was a great place to rest-- and then back to the yard to look down the creek, scope out the bamboo, check for lizards in the ivy..... He would rather do all this than eat!
At the end of the day, he finds places to sleep, rest, hide out or just take it easy.   He lives life to the fullest that is for sure!


  1. What a beautiful white Peke he is .

  2. What a great pick-me-up story. Granger sounds like a major star in the Pekingese world. I loved the photos of him just being Granger. His personality just shines through in the photos.

    And what a little love bug he is too.
