Monday, July 17, 2017


 Lola came to us just a week ago-- she was in a home where she would be "disciplined" if she had an accident. :-(   How could she go 8-10 hour days without a bathroom break?
 She was with me for a few days and then she went to her foster home in the Richmond area.  
 Sugar, on the left, is four and the resident queen-- she let Lola know who was boss and Lola had no issue with that at all.   She did not want to be boss!  She just wanted a friend.   Yodi, adopted from us, lives there, too.  
Yodi loves to play.  He and Sugar were thrilled to have Lola join them in the fun!!
 They all play and take walks together.  And guess what?   Now that Lola can go outside when she needs to, she has had NO accidents!!  
Her foster dad sent me this picture.   He found out that Lola loves to watch TV-- especially the Animal Planet!!   She really gets into it.   We are so glad she came into rescue!!  


  1. I am so glad she can go outside when she wants! That was so sad to read.

  2. I'm so glad that Lola went to a very good place where people understand how to treat a Fur Baby. Very few people in this world can hold back going to the bathroom for 9 or 10 hours, it's not natural.

  3. It is sad that there is so many people out there that don't understand how special it is to have the love of a dog. We have a very old Pekeapug who is blind and deaf and somewhat addled. Very hard for her to tell us when she needs to go outside. Thankfully our entire first floor is wood floors. For my wife and myself we both believe that there is an inherent agreement between you and your pet and the human part of the bargain includes care and support for the life of your companion.

  4. Beautiful baby Lola❤ .My pups had pads if I was gone for more than a couple hours. I can't hold for 2 hours don't expect my furbabys to either.
