Thursday, July 27, 2017


 I can't believe it's been almost 2 years since Madeline Grace came into rescue!
 She became the sister of Mickey, who was also adopted from us.
 They are best buddies and are so cherished by their mom and dad!
 Madeline does not like having her eye drops-- it's a "two man" job haha.   If Madeline hears the words "eye drops," she takes off and hides under the bed.  If she only realized it would be so fast and over with!  
 Mickey is still timid, but not in the family-- just with strangers.    He is such a beauty!
 He is ready for treats and a meal-- but Madeline insists on being hand fed.  What a little princess haha.
They have a cat sibling, too.  Keekers is just fine with them unless Madeline gets too playful.  She is still an active, loving and adorable girl!!   What a great family this is. :-)