Friday, July 14, 2017


 Rosie came to us after her owners took her to a shelter.  She was 15 years old.
  We were told she was blind and deaf-- but surprise!  She can see a little and she wags her tail with love.
 She has bonded with her foster parents-- and they love her right back.
 She has arthritis and a little trouble getting around, but she is helped along by her foster mom, Barbara.
 She lives with Melrose and Charley (not pictured) and...
 Kacey lives there, too!!   Can you tell he's a daddy's boy? :-)
 She sleeps a lot-- after all, she has had a long life.  But, she has a place to be until her time to go, which hopefully, won't be for awhile.  Sometimes, we take these sweet ones so they can live out their lives with love, and not in a shelter.
 Rosie is a sweet one and deserves it.  I'm so glad we took her into rescue!  Thank you, Barbara, for offering to let her live her life in love with you.  And thank you to all of you who support us as we do this very special "job."   It's a mission of love.


  1. Sweet Rosie ..... so glad she has a safe harbour to live out her life .
    What a cute one she is.
