Tuesday, August 8, 2017


 Buffy was an "out of area" rescue who came to Rescue April 2009.  She was a stray, but her owners were found and refused to pay the fine to get her out.   She was being used as a breeder dog.   So, she took a long road to come to us.   The rescuer wanted her out of the area.
Her name was Olive....
 then Lotus Blossom.....
.... and then BUFFY once she was adopted!!  And that one stuck!  And it fits her perfectly.
She was only a year old when we got her.
She was fully vetted and then met her forever mom and dad.  
She was only ten pounds when we got her, a little underweight, but it was no problem to put on a little.
"Are you in the kitchen, Mom?"
She is sister to Ollie now, and her mom makes her awesome harnesses.  She is always so pretty.
I've seen her quite a few times since she was adopted.  And her mom does an AWESOME Christmas house!   Every room is decorated and it's amazing.   I've done Christmas blogs on it a few times-- and of course, Buffy and Ollie are in them.
 It was amazing that our rescue group was known so far away-- we had and still have a good reputation for helping the needy ones.   I'm so glad we were able to get Buffy from out of area-- she needed safety and she got it-- She has lived eight years of pure love every since.

1 comment:

  1. Buffy is such a delight and I do remember her Mum's Christmas House - Fabulous!!!

    Boy ... before we know it .... it will be Christmas !!! This year is going quick!
