Wednesday, August 30, 2017


 I posted on facebook yesterday asking people not to post "sad dog pictures" because I got tired of seeing pictures of dogs that I could not help.   Of course, I have two daughters that love to harass me and they took my post and ran with it.    The first post was of my daughter's chocolate lab, Callie-- with her sad face.  lol
 One was not enough-- she posted another.
 Then, another friend posted "sad Buffy" because she had to get out of bed.  I'm with you, Buffy-- let me sleep!
 And here is Ollie (one of my foster dogs from years ago), " He is sad because he can not sleep on his bed because he messed it up so he is half on bed and half on floor!!!"
 My daughter was not to be upstaged.  So, she posted a picture of a sad Emu-- well, it could be sad.  We really don't know.
 Another friend (who had the audacity to move to South Dakota, meaning I lost a great foster home) and she posted a picture of her pig, Paisley.  SAD FACE-- NOT!
 A fellow rescuer posted Bella-- "She's sad because I stuck a Thundershirt on her because she is afraid of storms and I didn't give her very many treats when I did so."
 She also posted Tiny, " he's sad because he wants to climb on my lap but he kinda doesn't fit. So he lies on my feet or the floor and drools on my knee instead."
 My daughter who lives across the street posted Sad Callie-- she is sad because she wants to eat and eat and eat.  My daughter had her fully checked out, even did a thyroid test.  Callie is just a slug and loves to eat, so she is now fat.   (It's also part of the breed to be very lazy!!  Treeing Walker Hound)
 Callie has the saddest faces.   She just has that type of face.
 Starlight can have beautiful, sad faces-- she's just Starlight.
 And Lily (I did a blog on her last week hoping to help find her a home).    She is so happy because she is in her forever home and has a best friend to play with now!
And Bridgett is just happy.   She is 14, a perfect little girl who is waiting for her forever home.   So, don't post things on facebook that your children can take and harass you with.  It's never-ending (and I love their sense of humor!).   So, sad faces may be on this blog, but those are all HAPPY DOGS!!

1 comment:

  1. OK ..... I am going to look out for Coco with her sad face and take a photo .
