Saturday, August 26, 2017


 This past week began with Mattie and Benjamin being adopted.   Even with a lot of Pekes here, the dogs and I felt the difference.  As the week has gone on, and I know how well they are doing, it has been wonderful to know how loved they are.
 Kai Kai is doing fine without Benjamin--they had a lot in common, but they both mainly just want someone who loves them and they both have that.
 We had more fosters here-- I swore I would take a break, but could not resist Simon and his sister, Bella.
 Bella had eye surgery last week (and is doing great) and Simon was neutered this week.  My vet sees me a lot!
 They are both very sweet dogs!
 My daughter is a professor at a university near us, and she went back to work, so I went "back to work" taking care of the Bits.   Beach Bit is going into first grade after Labor Day.
 Sugar Bit is so busy-- she loves to climb and give me heart attacks.
 The eclipse occurred this week.  All day Monday, it's all anyone talked about, but not so much since then.
 Simon is healing.  Bella is doing great.    They are both adjusting to my home and I have interest in both of them.
 Bella loves the cushions on the couch-- she "buries" herself in them.
 So, I am busy-- busier, I should say.  The Bits keep me going, the Pekes keep me going...I don't have a lot of free time, and when I do, I like to just be alone and quiet.  There is something about quiet that restores the soul.
I love our home-- our Bits, our Pekes, our foster Pekes.   Another busy semester/year begins!

1 comment:

  1. Busy , busy you are Linda. I hope you can find some rest this weekend.

    For me ..... my Mum is in hospital again so I am running there - back and forward. Coco is not amused ..... too much alone time! Oh well cannot be helped.

    Those bits are getting bigger!!
