Saturday, September 2, 2017


 Nancy Ross has been a friend of our rescue for many years.   She sent me a picture of her Arthur.  He is an old boy, arthritic, and senile she said.  Arthur is almost 17-- so he just lives his life by sleeping and eating and resting...
 Nancy has helped us by sending us the beautiful cards she makes.   Here are some of them.
 We will be selling some of these soon to raise money to help our foster dogs.
 I bet some of these remind you of Pekes you have or have had.
 Three very patriotic Pekes!!
 Nancy told me she has had Pekes for over 50 years (so have I!).  Her Pekes, Pearl and Angelina passed away and she only has Arthur left.  
So, they went to the shelter, hoping to adopt the senior Peke who was there.   The Peke had been adopted, and as they had walked through the kennel area, something very strange happened.   She said, "We passed this pen with a pitiful tiny,little dog (8 pounds!) who was staring and us and looked like he was going to cry.  Lots of big dogs there.  He just stared and stared.  We adopted him and when got home, we thought,  "What have I done?"
She said they reach down to pet him, and there's a NOSE!  But, he is sweet and loves having a home and he likes their old boy, Arthur.   I think this was a win for all of them!!  Thank you, Nancy, for supporting us for so many years!!

1 comment:

  1. Love Nancy's drawings ... so talented!!!!

    I think that little boy doggie had to go home with Nancy and Arthur ..... sometimes God works in very mysterious ways :)
