Wednesday, September 27, 2017


 Starlight has been in our home almost ten years-- hard to believe!  
 She love love loves our grandbits.   This is one of my favorite pictures of her with Bitty Bit aka The Viking-- who is now 10.    Starlight didn't trust adults, but kids, oh my, she loves them.
 Starlight has been a little princess since she arrived.   She is one of the prettiest Pekes I have ever fostered-- She decided that she would never leave.   And she hasn't.
 But, she is a funny eater!   Yes, you are!
 I put her dry food in her bowl, and then add her canned food.  Add a little water, mix it up and put her in the shower stall-- yes, she eats in the shower because she must have her own dining room.   We have a bathroom at the end of our laundry room (where I have a "dog desk" for preparing all the dog foods and medications), so it's easy for her to scoot in the shower once her food is ready.  
 But, does she just eat?  NO!   She knocks her bowl around, she pushes it, she spills the food over the side.  She rarely eats at the first sitting-- so I have to pick it up, pick up the food she has spread around, and offer it to her another time.    She must think she's a Hobbit, who needs to have "second breakfast" and "second dinner."   Or third, or fourth...
 I saw this and thought it was so cute- but since it would take so many sittings before I ever read it, I did not buy it.  
 I know other dogs must do this, too.  Baby Girl/BG does it, too-- and then she puts a toy in her bowl.
 I thought about putting her food in a big, heavy bowl, but I'm afraid she would give herself a concussion trying to move it around.
 Should I have Sugar Bit put a lot of bowls around just to confuse Starlight?
At almost 13, I doubt that Starlight is going to change, so we will keep up the crazy pattern we have going.  I don't expect her to change.   She will just keep treating me as her servant, expecting me to observe when she is ready for her "second" or "third" sitting.   Yes, mam, Starlight.  I'll do what you want!


  1. Oh that Starlight is so pretty .... she does not look real!


  2. Haha! My Yoshi Bear does the same thing! I have to pick up his food or Shami will eat it. I offer it to him every time he walks into the kitchen, but he’ll just sniff it and walk away! Eventually he’ll eat it.

  3. She is just beautiful & adorable! LOL. I love the shower story. Bumbles is not a picky eater. He will eat anything unless it's too big for him. He is SO excited when feeding time comes, he stars to prance & hop! It's hysterical. Starlight is such a great name for her and big hugs to to you and her. Thank you for sharing her story with us.
