Thursday, September 14, 2017


 Charlie came into rescue in May and was in really bad shape.   He was so sweet in spite of everything.
 He had to have special dental/mouth surgery to close holes in his mouth (fistulas) and to remove horrific teeth.   He has one more heartworm treatment.    He was heartworm positive and his second/third treatments are this Friday/Saturday.   He will have to stay quiet for a month, but he's not a big mover anyway. That is, unless he has had a bath.  Then, he gets the zoomies!  (So, controlled walks will be necessary.)
Charlie has had so much care and a lot of love.   He has good food, good medicines, and a safe place to be.   And he has used Joyful Grace's bed which he loves!  I know she would be glad he has used it.
And now.... TADA!!  Charlie has a future mom who will be adopting him next week.  We are so excited for Charlie.  It will be a wonderful home where he can live out his life.  I know his foster mom, Sherry, will really miss him.  He will take part of her heart with him.  We love you, Charlie!!

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