Thursday, October 19, 2017


 A friend in rescue was trying to find a home for Alvin. 
 He had been found on the streets originally, and then his new owner brought him to the shelter because Alvin had health issues. 
 He was terrified in the shelter, but he was rescued and went into a home.   His owner loved him, but Alvin needed more.   So, I was contacted.   Even if a dog doesn't come into our rescue, we still love to help find them a home if we can.
 A friend who had adopted before loves a challenge and wanted to meet him.   She went to meet him, and had a fast turn around-- she was taking Alvin home!
 Alvin met Genghis-- so many of us know Genghis! lol   They are both pretty young-- Alvin was thought to be about 4. 
 He had some social issues, so Genghis decided he would mentor him.   Alvin has been a very good student.   He is learning that people are safe, and he loves to be brushed.   "Hello, neighbor!"
 He has been getting in his new owner's lap when she sits on the floor.  He wags his tail at every kindness he is given.  He was starved for affection, and he is enjoying all the love he is receiving.  He didn't seem to know what grass was, but he is being taught by his new brother how to walk on a leash and meet new friends.  He is doing great! 
I'm so glad we could be part of finding Alvin a home.  He certainly deserved it. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy ..... Alvin has hit the jackpot..... a wonderful home and a doggie brother to boot!

