Thursday, October 12, 2017


 Three years ago (October 2014), we were asked to take in a Peke that was turned into a shelter by his owner.   Click here: Must Love Pekes: PEKE IN NEED 
 Jeanne said she would foster him, and he arrived to have tender care in her home. 
 He was in rough shape, think, hair missing, malnourished.   Click here: Must Love Pekes: BANDIT-- WELCOME!
 He began to get healthy, have a lot of love and weave himself right into Jeanne's heart. 
 We received an application for him and I went to meet her since she was close to me.  What a wonderful home it would be for this adorable boy. 
 You can see the difference.   He was beautiful!  We thought he was about 7 years old/
Bandit developed heart issues and my vet called me to let me know he died yesterday.  He had been to specialists and had all the care he could have.   My heart is so sad for his owner who loved him so much.  Run free now, sweet boy. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to read this but little Bandit had a wonderful life in the end .
