Friday, October 27, 2017


 I have known Jeanne for almost ten years!   She applied to foster for our group and we became good friends almost immediately.  Her love for Pekingese was so apparent.    She has fostered so many, and has a gift for helping those who have such great need.  If we have had puppies, we always hoped she would foster them.  :-) 
 Jeanne was diagnosed with cancer last year and her twin sister was diagnosed this year, so we have been praying for both of them. 
 They have a bond that only twins can have. 
 We want to wish them both a very happy birthday.  We hope they know how special they are and how much we hope they will beat this enemy!
We send Jeanne and Janice much love-- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jeanne I did not know you were a twin!!!!

    Your Aussie Mates are wishing you and your sister a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
