Thursday, October 5, 2017


Princess (now Princess Kent since we have two Princess names in rescue) came to us as a 16-17 year old Peke who had been taken to the shelter by her owners.   If a dog is old and the health is not good, the owner should be there to let the dog go while they are held by the owner.   It was not the case. 
We took her into rescue to give her a comfortable place.
She wasn't used to eating in a bowl, so Jackie put her food on the floor.  We'll do whatever is needed. 
She didn't seem to know what going outside was all about-- she uses piddle pads. 
Her kidneys are not functioning well though, so the vet is doing what can be done, but she's an old girl, so we honestly don't know what her prognosis is yet. 
She is learning her way around the house, she has learned who Jackie and Bill are, and she wants to be held and loved on.
Right now, she is getting fluids daily-- to try to help her kidneys, but after bloodwork next week, we will see if it is helping. 
Princess has become more alert and active since being in rescue.   She is eating and drinking and checking things out.   She is fine with all the dogs and the cats. 
She had lost some weight, but she is up to 7.2 pounds now!  It doesn't seem like much, but we are thrilled. 
Princess may be with us for hospice care and if that is all we can do, we are happy to do it.  Sometimes, all we can do is give them a place of love for a short time before they leave us.   We keep hoping for more time to love her.  She deserves to be loved to the end.   If you want to donate to her care, please go to our web site:  Click here: Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - Donate Now    Thank you Jackie and Bill for offering her a soft, loving place to be.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you are all there for this sad little old lady.

    I am trying to donate Linda but its not working for me ... maybe because I am in another country????
