Friday, November 24, 2017


 Chumley was worn out after Thanksgiving. 
 We had Granger here, our granddog (PVPC alumni).  He LOVED monitoring the yard! 
 Poof was a hit with all the Bits.
 The Texas Bits were here (my niece's children).   So we had ages from 16 months to 14 years old.  Eight Bits-- all loved and adored!
 Pi was here-- more on her in another blog. 
 Beach Bit and Drill Bit accidentally dressed the same one day! 
 Cowboy Bit joined in the picture.
 All the Bits used the playroom and had a great time.  Tents, forts, blocks, cars, airplanes, marbles...
 They had a great time!
 The girl Bits really loved Poof.   Poof doesn't get people food, but she must have in the past.  Poof tried to beg with her paw out to get extra attention.
 She was tired out from all the attention.
My Christmas Star is in the window as we begin the next season of Christmas.   Post your Christmas Pekes so I can share them this month!! 


  1. Precious Chumley and Poof as well all of the rest of the Fur Babies as well as all of the "Bits". Watching them grow is a very pleasant pass time for me.

  2. I am exhausted with Poof too!

    Oh..... the star in the window...... Snap Linda..... I just bought a new star for my Christmas tree the other day... not at glam as yours :(
