Tuesday, November 21, 2017


 Lucky was adopted from us by Sherry when she was fostering him.
 She also gave a home to Sugar, a Shih Tzu who had cancer surgery and was doing well.
 They welcomed Khloe and Oliver to their home. 
 I think these two are making themselves right at home.  They were in a shelter in Virginia after their owner lost her home.
 How is that comfortable?   Oliver is 18 pounds-- and his sister is so small!
 Little Khloe is only 9 pounds, but she needs to gain some weight. 
She has a beautiful little face and they are both so sweet.   They will need medical updating, dentals and help with their skin.    No problem!!  We can use the funds from the Joyful Year blog to help them.   Sherry was the foster mom for Joyful Grace and she knows how special these little ones are.   In fact, Khloe is on Joyful's bed.   Joyful would love that.
They are joining Bucky and Angel, who are also part of Sherry's family.
These two were in need of a home during the summer when their owner had serious health issues.+
Bucky and Angel didn't have any trouble welcoming little Khloe and Oliver to their home.
They know what it's like to be in need of a loving home, and they were happy to share.
Welcome to rescue Khloe and Oliver!!  If you can give this bonded pair a home, just let us know! 


  1. That was so sad about the owner losing her home.
    I am doing a powerful Adoption Dance for both of them right now Linda!!!!!

  2. OMG. If I didn’t have 5 dogs already I would step up immediately. I love Khloe’s face. She is precious. How old is she? Could she be a purse dog?
