Tuesday, November 14, 2017


 The weather cools off and some dogs need a little help staying warm outside.
 Starlight and Poof can share coats.   They both modeled this cute one!
 Poof has been wearing this pink sweater-- she looks good in pink.
 Chumley's coat is growing out from his summer cut, so I just put a scarf on him.  When it's really cold, I have coats for the boys to share.
 I want Kai Kai's back to stay warm, since he's had a back injury and I don't want him to tighten his back muscles.
 He looks quite handsome!
 Starlight tried on a pink crocheted sweater.  She wasn't sure why I was putting different outfits on her.  But, she let me.
 Floyd needs to stay warm when it's cold.  He's an older boy, so I want him comfortable when it's cold outside.
 I tried another coat on Poof. 
 And Kai Kai didn't mind that there was pink on this jacket.
 They were such good sports about it.
 She looks great in this striped sweater. 
 And this one is adorable on her!  It even has a hood.
We have quite an assortment.  I just need a place to hang them all so I can quickly dress them all when it's cold and time to go outside.    I imagine we are going to have a lot of sweater/coat days this winter!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone looks fabulous in their coats Linda but its no coats here ...... summer is coming in and it was so hot today ( 91 fahrenheit ) I had the air con. on !!!
