Wednesday, November 8, 2017


 Sugar Bit has taken it upon herself to guard Poof.   I have to watch her, because she can be more than Poof can handle at times. 
 Sugar Bit is exuberant!  But, she loves Poof and shares her treats. 
 She will cover Poof up with a special blanket.
 You can see the movement as she shakes it to make it straight.
 And she is covered.
 Then, Sugar Bit tries to cover up Kai Kai.
 He can't see either way and he's a very good sport about it!
 Where's Kai Kai?
 "I know he's in there." 
 "Where did she go?"
 "I know she loves me, but I have to watch out for her." haha
 "Listen!"   Sugar Bit is always listening to see if Poof cries and needs to be comforted.
I'm proud of the Bits-- they have sweet and gentle hearts for these little ones. 

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