Friday, November 10, 2017


 Starlight has been with us almost ten years.   Here she was when she came to us, barely three years old.   She had a lot of medical issues that were taken care of.  As you know, she would NOT allow anyone to adopt her-- she became cujo, Godzilla, and all kinds of ugly when people tried to  meet her.
 She was testy, as most of you know, but with us, she was always sweet.  I guess she had already decided she was not leaving.   We tried for a year to find her a home, and she would have no part of it!
 She didn't trust strangers.    So, we finally caught on-- and we kept her.
 She always felt safe with us.
 She was a little beauty, but I think she got prettier as time moved on.
 She is a daddy's girl for sure.
 And now she is a Calendar girl!  (She's the cover girl for our PVPC 2018 calendar!)
 She has such a sweet smile.
 She loves the grandkids.
 She lets me give her haircuts (shocker!), but right now, her hair is growing out for the winter, so look for fluffier pics later!
 She other day, she crawled in a dog bed and then got under the pillow.
 I don't know how she did it.
 But, she does a lot of things I can't figure out haha.
 I guess she didn't like the pillow where it was, so like a turtle, she moved it.
 Kai Kai couldn't see her, but he seemed to be following her!
 Yes, she was under it. 
We never know what to expect from Starlight!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that Starlight is such a cutie and you know Linda ...... Starlight Adopted YOU!!!!!! LOL
