Wednesday, December 27, 2017


 Hallie was the five year old Great Pyrenees of  my sweet friend, Lisa.   Lisa adopted her when she was two years old and thought she would have her girl for many years.
 Hallie was her camping buddy and loved to go on trips with her.
 This was Hallie shortly after she joined Lisa's family.   She was young and full of joy.   Less than a month ago, she began limping, so Lisa took her to the vet, thinking she had pulled a muscle.   She found out that Hallie had bone cancer, and it was very aggressive.   There was nothing that could be done.  Hallie was on medication to keep her comfortable and Lisa hoped for more time, but she realized Hallie was not doing well and it was time to let her go.  Never what you want to do, especially the day after Christmas.
Hallie loved her mom, and her mom loved her.   I'm so saddened by her loss-- I know that Lisa's heart is so tender because her Lily just left them earlier this month.   I know Lily met her friend at the Rainbow Bridge-- but hearts here are broken.  Run free now, sweet girl.   You were greatly loved.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful big girl Hallie was and what care she had - oh she will be so missed!
