Friday, December 8, 2017


 Little Norton came from a Baltimore shelter in 2013. 
 He had broken legs and had little casts on. 
 He was so sweet even with all he had been through. 
 He was adopted but returned when his owner had health issues and could not care for him. 
He was with Sherry for awhile and then went to spend the rest of his life with Kim. 
 He was friends with Coltrane, one of our PVPC alumni. 
 Norton lost his vision and hearing, and age began to show in his little body.
 He battled health issues, but still seemed determined to continue living.
Last night, Kim took him to the vet.  He was in pain, and xrays showed his heart was very large, causing him to have great trouble breathing.   He was nearing the end.   Even when we know that, it is so difficult to say that final goodbye.   Kim held him as she let him go, and I know that he realized how very much she loved him.  He had so much love from Kim that his spirit was full and he went peacefully.   Run free now, sweet boy. 

There is a poem I have that is called "Merry Christmas from Heaven."  I want to share a bit here.
"I still hear the songs,  I still see the lights.  I still feel your love on cold wintery nights.
....I love you all dearly, now don't shed a tear.  Cause I'm spending my Christmas in heaven this year."
We love you, Norton. 


  1. Goodbye my little bear. It was such a privilege to be your mommy. You made me happy every single day, and I hope I made you happy too. You were a blessing to me and I will carry you in my heart always. I will see you again on the rainbow bridge, where your sight and hearing will be restored. You'll recognize me as the woman holding her arms out to you saying "Come to mommy, baby." In the meantime, be at peace. I love you very much. Your mommy.

  2. Kim...I am so sorry for your loss of Norton. He was such a handsome and cute boy. I know your heart is broken, but Norton left you with part of his heart. He was loved and cared for until the end. Pekes are so strong-willed to live despite their infirmities.

  3. Oh Linda what a lovely and yet sad poem. I cried.

    I remember Norton ... he always looked like a Peke teddy bear to me :)... So cute and what a courageous man he was.

    So many people will miss Norton - especially his Mum .

  4. Our little Norty bear, you loved to snuggle in our laundry in the laundry room so much we started leaving laundry on our bedroom floor for you. You felt safe and warm and comfy. We taught you to go on walks guided by the leash. You were the most gentle little dog I have ever had the privilege of having in my life. We love you and you will be sorely missed. I love you dearly little bear and will see you at the bridge. Your daddy.
