Thursday, December 14, 2017


 Pollyanna came into rescue in 2008 after being in a Virginia shelter.   She came to us with critical burns on her back-- her hair was gone and her burns were very serious.   It could not be determined if it was chemical burns or brown recluse spider bites.   (Brown recluse bites would have probably killed her, so it was most likely chemical burns.)  In spite of her condition, she was the sweetest dog.  She came into my home as if she had always been there and began prancing and playing with a toy. 
 Her tail had to be shaved so that the hair would not get into the healing wounds on her back, but she didn't care-- she wagged her tail all the time.  As her hair grew back, it covered all the scars she had and her personality never showed anything but joy.
 Tracey saw her on our web site and fell in love.   She adopted Pollyanna and began a 9 year love match with her.  The unconditional love within this sweet girl was incredible.
 She loved to curl up in bed with her mom and the other dogs.
 Within the last week, she stopped eating and was having trouble breathing.  Her mom took her to the vet, thinking it would be a quick visit, getting some medicine, but x-rays showed extensive cancer in her lungs and stomach.  She could no longer eat and her lungs were struggling to breathe.  It was too much for this precious girl who
She was gently released from this life in the arms of her mom.   She will be greatly missed-- and love goes with her.  Run free, precious girl.

1 comment:

  1. What a brave girl Miss Pollyanna was and she will be so missed by Tracey and her family.
    Thinking of you all .
