Tuesday, December 5, 2017


I wanted to blog about Jeanne's dogs.   They are all doing well.  Didi, Jill Lee and Sassy Marie are loved deeply. 
Carter was one of the Bristol 18 puppies-- there were two of them.   Jeanne took care of the two puppies who had lived in horrific conditions.  But, they both thrived under her care.   Carter thinks he is in charge lol.  His brother, Colby, looks so much like him and lives near me. 
Little Sassy came into rescue in 2011 with severe neck issues.   She had neck surgery and did so well, but she was at Jeanne's a long time recovering and by the time she was ready for adoption, Jeanne couldn't let her go.   She had stolen her heart. 
Jill Lee-- one of the sweetest dogs!  Whenever I would go to their house, Jill was the first to greet me.  What a dollbaby! 
Lucy Lu came to rescue and had seizures immediately.   Seizures are in the top medical things that can happen to Pekes and her seizures were handled well with medication.  She's a beauty. 
Didi was in a shelter near me.  She had been turned in because she had one eye and she "scared the grandchildren."   (Way to teach your grandchildren that things and people who are "special" are disposable.)   But, she went to Jeanne's for fostering and that was IT!   Jeanne fell in love right away and kept her.   There was no chance she was going to leave.  That was in 2009 when Didi was 3-4 years old.  She is about 11 now-- and still Jeanne's heart dog.   She keeps Jeanne going with all the cancer treatments she is going through-- all the dogs do. 
Hannah Joe was basically a feral dog when Jeanne took her in.   She trusts Jeanne and Bill, that's about it.  But, she is loved and loves her life there.
I had to add another picture of Didi-- you can see how beautiful she is. 
This is Gus (who now lives in New York) and Lucy-- this is a favorite picture of Jeanne's and I love it, too.  They all wish everyone a wonderful holiday-- a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.   Thank you to all of you who keep Jeanne -- and her twin sister, Janice-- in your prayers, thoughts and notes on facebook.   We want to wish Jeanne a Merry Christmas, too!! 


  1. Coco and I wish Jeanne and her gang a very happy Christmas :)

  2. Jeanne does love her dogs soo much. She does struggle some to take care of them, but take care of them she does. She would not have it any other way.

    I wanted to thank all of those involved in PVPR and in rescue for their support, prayers and caring toward Jeanne, it has and continues to mean a lot to her and has been an amazing part of support for her during her continued fight with cancer.

    Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. A stronger, more caring , concerned lover of animals I have not met.

    Mike L.

  3. What a grand Christmas picture of Lucy and Gus looking out at the rain. Love it.

  4. Merry Christmas to Jeanne and her lovely family.
