Thursday, December 14, 2017


Only a few weeks until 2018 begin, so make sure you have your Peke calendar!   
 Our calendars are ready to order!!  And guess who is on the cover-- STARLIGHT!!   She's 13 now, and beautiful and she is still a pistol haha.
BG, Baby Girl, says, "You will love this!"
 We have a page dedicated to our forever foster dogs.
 Here they are-- I just saw sweet Jasper last week.   He is so cute and full of himself.
 Charlie is very dapper with his sunglasses.  He's an old boy, but still getting around and doing well.
 Floyd is with me.  What can I say-- he continues to amaze me.  He self paces and sleeps a lot, but he still has a will to live.
 This is JJ-- he is Charlie's brother.  They both came in together and both were significantly in need.  We gave them a soft place to be.
 Rosie is 16 and was taken to the shelter to be put down by her owner.  But, she still wanted to live, so we gave her that.   Her foster mom adores her.
Norton-- this picture describes our foster parents and how they feel about their foster Pekes.  They are loved.   If you want a calendar, just email Fiona at with your order, name and address.   The calendars cost $20.00 each plus $3 shipping, with a special price of 3 calendars for $50.00 plus $3 shipping.

To pay by Check: 
Please make check payable to Potomac Valley Pekingese Club, write “calendar” on the memo line, and send it to:

Fiona Ross
14 Bostwick Lane
Richmond, VA 23226

We hope we ordered enough-- so get your order in quickly!  

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