Wednesday, January 3, 2018


 Graham came into rescue in November.  He was going to be put down at the shelter if we didn't take him-- so we did. 
 He had a cherry eye, but the ophthalmologist had him get eye drops to help his eye get healthy before his eye surgery next week.   He was doing so well.
 He was home with his foster dad.  Mike had stepped outside and when he came in, he could tell Graham was in distress.   He died shortly after that.  Graham went into cardiac arrest suddenly.  He was about 8, but could have been older.   Sometimes, this happens without warning and I am so sorry for Tiffany and Mike.  Mike, especially, was Graham's favorite person.  He absolutely loved him. 
Graham had a wonderful couple of months of love and a great Christmas.  He was loved.  Run free now, sweet man. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh so sad but ..... like you said Linda - Mr Graham had a wonderful life in the end .. sure it was not that long but he knew love and kindness :)
