Monday, January 1, 2018


Goldie's family (Debbie) made a donation in her memory.  
Wiggles and Genghis' family have been part of our rescue for many years.   Thank you for helping!!
Thursday and Thea wanted to make a donation to help others in our rescue.  They are both PVPC alumni!   They made a donation in memory of sweet Norton.   Thank you, sweet ones!
Yoda and Phoebe made a donation to the Joyful Year fund.   Thank you!!
Boss' mom sent a donation for him and also in memory of his sister, Garuda, below.
Thank you, Sarah.
Buffy and Ollie's mom, Joy, made a donation.   She's been part of our Peke family since 2006!
Piggie's mom made another donation to help our foster Pekes.   THANK YOU!
Joshua was one of my foster dogs in 2008.   He was one of my Scooterbug's best friends.   They are both gone now, but Joshua's mom and dad wanted to remember him with a donation.   He was a heart dog for sure.
 Allie Marie and her brother.....
 Percy donated to help us with our foster dogs.  Thank you, sweet ones!
Kacey and his dad, Ty, wanted to help, too!!  Kacey is definitely a daddy's boy!!   It's total love between these two!
 Beth's gang wants to show their support for our rescue.  Merry Christmas!!
 Diane's four Pekes wanted to help us this year.   Booker...
 Pudgy ....
and Suzie.... Thank you!
Thank you Robert for your donations in memory of Pupfy.   I know he was your heart dog.
Emily's sweet pups, Drizzle and Newman/Newmie, help us every month.   They are 11 and 12 now.   
 Tim and Colleen's pups, Doolin and Gizzy, also help us monthly.  Gizzy is a PVPC alumni-- foster failure.   Thank you, boys!! 
Rosie, a forever foster, asked her mom to help the other Pekes in our rescue.   Barbara loves this sweet, older girl!   Another Albino Peke!
 Ann sent a donation in memory of her precious Princess.
Princeton and Clarence, two best friends, sent in a donation to help our fosters!  
Another donation has come in  from Pepe, Lilly and Lucy.   They are sweet, joyful Pekes!   
 Midnight, Elvis and Harley made a donation to the Joyful Year fund.  THANK YOU!!
 Toby and Zoey's mom, Barbara, made a donation all the way from Palm Springs!
Lil Cali Gurl helped us, too!  You're the best!
Beautiful Maggie (who belongs to Kay and Claretta) made a donation to the Joyful Year fund.   Thank you, sweet girl.
 Barbara wants to honor her sweet Paws who passed away three years ago. 
Mary asked people to make donations to our rescue for her birthday.  Abner was one of our fosters and has gone on to become an incredible therapy dog.  He dressed as a doctor for Halloween visits.   
 Mazie is another alumni-- thank you for helping us!
 Melrose shares his mom with our rescue.  She does a big job for us, helping us keep our money straight.   Thank you!
 Coco's mom, from Australia, sent a donation.  Thank you!
 Piper, a PVPC alumni, made a donation to help others like him who need our help.
 Magnolia's mom helps us a lot!!   Thank you!
Claire made a donation  in memory of her sweet Albert.  
 Last year, I did a blog to celebrate the life of Joyful Grace.
 Joyful came into rescue in 2015, and we were not sure we could save her.  But, she was a little fighter.  She wanted to live.
 Her foster mom, Sherry, has a way with the seniors and Joyful was in the right place for great care.
 Joyful had a lot of health problems.  She went on heart meds, skin meds, arthritis meds and pain meds.   We really hoped to give her a longer life than she would have  had.
 We were able to give her a year of love and care.   She did so well with her foster mom and stole the heart of so many of our rescue family.    So many sent in outfits for her, beds, things with JOY on them.   Her foster mom still has the little nightlight lamp with JOY on it. 
 Joyful was with us for almost one full year.  She died last November 1, 2016.   But, she left a legacy.
So, this year, we begin our "Make it a Joyful Year 2017" and for every donation, regardless of the size, I will add a picture of your dog/dogs to this blog and keep reposting it.   Once you send in your donation either through our web site ( or to our P.O. Box (PVPC, P.O. Box 61005, Richmond, VA 23261), post a picture on the blog on facebook so that I can add it to the blog.   We gave Joyful Grace a good year, and we continue to do that for others in our care, thanks to the donations we receive.   Let's make it another Joyful year!
Harley Marie wants to make it a Joyful Year!!   Thank you, sweet one.
 Freddie (of Freddie's Finds) sent a donation.   Thank you!
 Marco Polo and Ch'In are happy Pekes!   They want to help others.
So, their mom sent a donation to help the Pekes. 
Queen Willow, Bandit and Meyer Mason VIII are helping, too!   
Princess Virginia's new owner made a donation!!
Piggie is 16 1/2 years old and he wanted to help us have a Joyful Year.  Thank you, Syndee!!
Charley is Barbara's older girl.  She's almost 15.    A donation was made for this Sweet girl!
Madeline Grace and Mickey made a donation to help our foster dogs.  Thank you!!!   
Benjamin/Benny and Mattie sent another donation to help us!   Thank you, sweet adopted fosters of mine!!  
Gracie Lu may have gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but she will never be forgotten.  What a story she had and she started a friendship between me and her mom, Jane.  
 Andrea sent me a picture of her Cherry, above, and also one of her heart-dog, Anna, below.
Anna has crossed the Rainbow Bridge-- and maybe she even met Joyful Grace there.  Thank you!
Thank you Laura and your Pekes, Milo, Mika, Luca and Sir Jenkins!!
Charlie is a rescued King Charles Cavalier.  His parents and Charlie love to help our rescue.  Thank you!!
Thank you, Boomer and your mom, Debbie, for your donation!!  
 Elaine's Pekes, Pete and Dolly are adorable!   They helped us, too!
Oscar and his mom Genise have been involved with the club for a long time.  Genise fostered him, and decided he was there to stay.   Thank you!


  1. Yes ..... a Joyful year for 2017 and may I say ..... 2018!

  2. Benjamin and Mattie have sent a donation, coming via snail mail. They want to help other Pekes in need.

  3. Taking a photo soon so I can add it to my donation when my hubby gets it on the computer.

  4. Thank you Thursday and Thea! We miss Norton every single day. It is lovely to see that others haven’t forgotten him either.
