Saturday, February 3, 2018


 Nala (with a small mask) and BeeBee (no mask) have been with me almost three weeks now. 
 They were turned into the shelter by their owner.  (BeeBee here)
 They seem to be afraid of men, so Matt got down on the floor with them to play and help them overcome their fear.   They seem to like women and children right away for the most part.
 The Sisters (as I have been calling them on facebook) are so bonded.  But, they like other dogs.  Here they are with Kai Kai.
 They are usually touching.
 Or very close.
 They just love each other.
 I was asked to help them because the owner said that BeeBee had seizures.  The owner had no money to get help for her. 
 After they arrived, BeeBee had a seizure, and she was started on meds.   Since she had a history of "at least five or six seizures" and since she had one at the shelter, meds were necessary. 
 I didn't think Nala had them until Wednesday morning.   I was feeding the dogs and realized I was missing a few dogs.   I heard noise in the family room and went out right away and saw that Nala was having a seizure.   Chumley was by her side.   He was concerned about her.    I sat with her but after awhile (I'm familiar with seizures), I realized she needed to get to the vet right away.
 The vet took her back right away and got her seizure under control.  She stayed at the vet for 24 hours to be monitored and is doing fine.   When I picked her up, she was her happy self.
 BeeBee was spayed and had her hernia repaired on Thursday, but Nala will have to wait for two weeks.   They are both on seizure medications now and I've had a lot of Pekes on this medication and they do great.   I fully anticipate that the Sisters will do fine, too.
They were so excited to see each other again after being apart.   I will keep them here until we find a wonderful home for these two.   I know that home is out there.   For now, I get to love and enjoy them!


  1. I am doing my VERY special adoption dance for these two sisters as they must be kept together and as you have just discovered - they Both have seizures!
    It would be a very wise thing for those two girls to never be separated. I think they "help" each other!

  2. I'm happy that you'll have the Sisters for more time with you because that means we'll get to see them for at least a few more weeks.

    I so wish that I could wake up in the morning and see them in my bed or asleep in their own beds close together.
