Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Buffy came into rescue in 2009.   Can it really be nine years ago??
She was in Louisiana-- and we are a Virginia rescue, but her story was sad and we were asked to help this special girl, so with wonderful volunteers, she was brought to Virginia.  It was her lucky day!
She was adopted to be a sister to Ollie, also a PVPC alumuni. 
He was my foster in 2006!!  I can't believe he is 14 now. 
Buffy and Ollie are great friends.   (And they always have on the prettiest harnesses!)
But, they have a bad habit.   No, it's not hanging off chairs, as if they will tumble to the ground. 
It's chair stealing!   As soon as their dad gets up, they take his spot.   And Ollie won't easily give it back.   Possession is 9 points of the law and he's got 9 points haha.   Buffy takes her mom's place, but will easily give it back.  Ollie?  No way!
You two are so cute, but you really need to let your dad have his chair back.  He really wants it and I bet he will share it with you!   Sounds like a great deal to me. 


  1. You Know Linda ... if those two were Humans.... they would be called - Carjackers!! LOL

  2. Our Bink fully agrees with Ollie and Buffy on this matter! He sees nothing wrong with chair-stealing -- LOL! What beautiful Pekes they are! <3

  3. We have two chair stealers as well. They love Dad's big over-sized recliner and have to me manually ejected but as soon as he is seated they climb back up and sit on each side of him while the little Queen Willow signals Dad to lower the foot rest so she can ride it up to sit on Dad's chest so that he resembles a pile of dogs.
