Wednesday, March 7, 2018


 Kai Kai has been with me almost 7 years, since he came into rescue in April of 2011.  His owner gave him up because she had a 2 year old.   Kai Kai has done great with all the Bits who have been here. 
 He was here a year and no one adopted him-- but he became mine then and I'm so grateful for him.  He has welcomed so many foster dogs and many have come through here.   But, Kai Kai (and some others) stayed.
 He has had medical issues, like eye disease which led to the loss of his eyes.  But, he is a trooper and has forged ahead.
 He isn't forging anywhere right now.  He had a seizure and collapsed yesterday.   At first, I thought it was his back/neck area of his spine, since he had had those issues before.  I had the meds on hand to give him.  But, as I watched him, it wasn't the same.   I messaged my vet and got guidance on the meds again and kept watching Kai Kai. 
 What are some of the signs of a stroke?  These are from this article:  Dog Stroke Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment | petMD (PetMd is my "go-to" site on line.)
 1.  Not being able to walk or to walk with coordination.
 2.  Head tilt.  With Kai Kai, his head tilt is extreme.
 3.  Eye movements, rapid from side to side or rotating.  With Kai Kai, who has no eyes, I could still see movement in the eye muscle, showing rapid movement. 
 4.  Losing consciousness-- Kai Kai did not do this.   But, he was not normal either.
 5.  Falling to one side or falling over completely.  Kai Kai did this, having no ability to stand at all, no muscle strength.
 6.  Blindness (Kai Kai is already blind). 
 7.  Abnormal behavior
 8.  Rapid onset of symptoms.   Kai Kai had all this happen in a very brief time, from normal to not normal within seconds.
 At the vet, Kai Kai had some bloodwork (we will get results today).  We already had xrays, so we did not do that, and he just had bloodwork a few months ago, so we have a good base to compare new ones to.   
Kai Kai still wags his tail quickly when he hears my voice.   He stays in the playpen, to rest and recover we hope.   He does not have bladder control right now, but that's okay.   I can clean him up.   He stays in the playpen to protect him from falling or moving too much.  We hope in the next few days, we will see signs of recovery.  I love this boy.  He has my heart   💗

(Some asked me about Vestibular Disease-- it can have signs similar to stroke. 
We will watch Kai Kai and see how he does.  We hope he has a full recovery.)


  1. Oh Linda ..... my heart goes out to you and Kai Kai !!!

    He is in my prayers .

  2. Hard times lately! Will pray for Kai Kai to recover quickly my friend...

  3. Praying for this sweet little guy! <3

  4. Crying while reading this because KaiKai is a favorite of mine. It hurts to read and see his tilted head and he can't walk. I'm praying he will get better and hopefully it will be a full recovery.

    This year has not started out well at all.

  5. Linda, what an incredible bond you have with this little warrior. He’s surely not ready to leave you yet! Love and prayers are keeping him here. ������������
