Friday, March 30, 2018


Many pets end up in shelters because when their owners die or go into care facilities, no plan has been made.   I found this form that you can give to your vet and/or friends so that your pets will be cared for. 

Pet Guardianship

In the unfortunate event you become incapacitated, please name the person(s) who should be contacted to become the guardian and take over the care of your pet(s) until care can be provided as arranged for in other legal documents prepared by you. We urge you to address care of your pet(s) when planning your estate.

Please be sure the named person(s) is/are aware you are appointing them as guardian(s) of your pet(s).

In the event of an emergency, which incapacitates me, I authorize _____________________
to turn my pet(s) over to:



Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Work Phone:


Pet Owner Date 

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