Saturday, March 24, 2018


Silly Granger-- he loves to get into things.   Boxes are his favorite.
 He can curl up and happily take a nap.
 He also likes to get on tables--
 This is a brass table that my mom bought when we lived in the Philippines when I was growing up.   We have so many things from our time there and now my girls share them.   (My Christmas star is one of them that now hangs all year round in my office in honor of Starlight.)
Granger found a box in the kitchen.  BUT... it has a piece of "trash" in it.  He stared at his mom until she removed it-- a tiny bit of paper. LOL  Oh, the LOOK.
 Then, he checked it out...
and jumped right in.  He's a happy, silly boy!


  1. He is just like a little kid ... they love the boxes!

  2. I love Granger stories because he can get up to so many adventures and his love of climbing in boxes is so funny.

    What is really funny is that Mom had to take that tiny piece of paper out of the box in the kitchen because otherwise he wouldn't climb into the box. Funniest of all is the photo of him inspecting the box.
