Saturday, March 10, 2018


 Kody let us know that it was snowing again!  They live further north than I am-- we have no snow here.   Kody has also been battling Vestibular Disease.   I've been trying to learn more about it. 
Old Dog Disease | Vestibular Disease in Dogs | petMD
Kody's mom could probably teach me about this, since she has dealt with it several times with Kody.  There is no known cause, and usually time fixes this.  They may need some medical help, medications, but mostly time cures it.   Symptoms of Vestibular disease are:  head tilt (may be extreme), dizziness/falling down, nausea or vomiting, turning in circles.   If you see your dog having these issues, take them to the vet.  It can be a stroke, seizure or more. 
 Back to a lighter note-- snow!  Kody and her friends are out in the snow-- I thought we were done with snow, but I guess it wasn't done with us.
 They are all so cute!  (Sadie on the left has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but wanted to include this sweet picture.)
 Kody says, I'm done with the cold and snow.
Come on, spring!!

1 comment:

  1. Come on down to Australia Kody and family!!!

    Its a darn hot here today ---- 35c or 95f.....we have had no rain !!
    I would like some of that snow for my garden Mr K !
