Friday, April 20, 2018


 Floyd came to me over two and a half years ago--
 He had a bad heart murmur and we didn't think he would live long.  But, no one told him that and he continued to amble around the yard, live life at his own pace, make friends and give love to us.
 He has a soulful look, but he is a content, happy boy. 
 He has to be carried up and down stairs. 
 I put him up by the screen door to the porch.   Then, he turns around and goes to the edge.   He stands there, and stands there while I am holding the door open for him.   I can't call to him, because he is deaf.  So, I wait-- every time.   He has a pattern, and I'm not going to change him.   haha 
 Finally, he walks in and all is fine.   He's a funny boy.  He's a sweet boy.   He is a devoted boy.  He follows me if he is not sleeping.   He rests at my feet if I'm on the couch.
 I noticed he was falling more, having more trouble when I picked him up (pressure on his chest was causing him to cough).  He coughed, he panted some.  He has gone to the vet on a regular basis.  My vet is awesome with my foster dogs (and my own!).  So, when I messaged one of my vets, they said to bring him in.   (I took Kai Kai also, but that will be another blog.)    Floyd is an old boy-- at least 14.   So, we knew he was "aging" but when we xrayed his heart, it showed that it is worse.  He heart is enlarged, and working hard to keep him going.   His heart murmur is significant.   But, he also has tracheal collapse.  That means it's harder to get oxygen.   
I have known I wouldn't have Floyd long, but he's been here so much longer than I ever thought he would be.  I know his time may be short.  But, for now-- he's still happy.   He's still devoted.  He still follows me and lays at my feet-- and he sleeps on the bed at night.   I don't know how long he has, but it will be filled with love.  He is a special boy.


  1. Oh Linda ..... as long as he is not in great pain (I know this is what you are saying too!) then love him and squeeze him so tight .
    Kisses to Floyd from Coco and I .

  2. Floyd's health issues despite his determination to keep on chuggin' (as an old song goes) makes him so much more lovable and admired by me.

    It's painful to realize he's showing signs of aging that there's no fix for but he's certainly showing that he's going to enjoy the love and care of his heroine Linda as long as possible.
