Monday, April 30, 2018


 Midnight came to rescue five years ago.  Oh, his face. I fell in love.
 He was the cutest thing-- and the smile!   A heart stealer.
 He was adopted quickly and his family is wonderful.   His dad always encourages with his comments on the blogs I do and the posts on our foster dogs. 
 Midnight has Peke friends, and love is all around.
 He lounges in the house and loves to be up high.  Pekes and high places-- why is that? :-)
He began his life afresh when he came to rescue -- and I'm so glad to see updates on him.   It just makes my day to see happy lives that have come from their beginning with our group.  ❤️

1 comment:

  1. Midnight is beautiful ( I love black peke's) and what white teeth he has!!!

    Is he whitening them I wonder???? LOL
