Saturday, April 7, 2018


 BeeBee and Nala are so sweet-- but they have significant health issues.  IMHA and ITP are immune issues and platelet issues-- they are both very serious.   They have been on medicine.  But, then on Thursday, I noticed BeeBee was having some problems with HGE (rectal bleeding is the symptom).  My Chumley had this twice, so I knew it was something I needed to have treatment for right away
 I had all the grandbits here for several days of fun.  My life is busy-- I'm very blessed with lots of people and dogs to love. 
 The Viking is so good with the dogs and BeeBee and Nala loved her right away.
 Even with all the Bits here, BeeBee still needed care.  So, Sugar Bit, the Viking and I went to the vet.
 Sugar Bit used the leash as a "key" and put it in the door stop at the vet.  Amazing.
 She was thrilled.
 The vet (Acredale Animal Hospital, Virginia Beach) is wonderful and has a play area for the kids.  BeeBee was given medicine and we came home. 
 Sugar Bit was given a kiss by her teen cousin-- oh the joys of grandbits.
 I needed break.  So, Matt kept the grandboy Bits and I took the girls to the beach.  We live near the coast and I love to go there. 
 Sugar Bit, Sweet Girl (Lil Bit) and the Viking (aka Bitty Bit) had so much fun.
 Sugar Bit loves her cousins.   And they are so good with her.
 We walked the shore, climbed on rocks.
 We laughed....
 we threw sand.
 We jumped!
 And dug holes, and threw more sand...and listened to the waves. 
 Then, we came home and played more. 
 And we ate, and Nala begged.
 And the dogs, even Nala and BeeBee, are happy.  Nala and BeeBee are fighting to live, but they have joy and lots of love.
 Max, my old man, puts up with all the chaos of Camp Runamuck.
 Floyd continues to try to move on (he is slower, not eating as well..but he's part of the family)
 BeeBee likes to boss when she can.
 Kai Kai is still dealing with post stroke symptoms...
 Chumley is doing okay for an older boy who has had major health problems.  But, all in all, we have a happy house-- full of kids and dogs and fun.
Sometimes, it's good to just take a break.  Stretch out on the sand and relax.  And that's just what we did yesterday.


  1. Looks like the weather has changed and a little warmer now!
    Great ..... that is good for a beach visit .
    School holidays here so I am with my grand kids a bit too.
    Yes - its nice for a break and you need it Linda!

  2. What an awesome post!!! And what an amazing bunch of love you give and get from fur babies and human bits!!!! Lucky lady!!! We have our moments but sitting back and taking a moment to remember how lucky we are to have what we have is so important for the soul!!! Good for you for taking that time!!! Well deserved! Sending love and strength nd prayers to all!❣️πŸ’•πŸŽ‰πŸ˜˜‼️πŸΆπŸΎπŸ€πŸŒΈπŸŒ»πŸ–
