Friday, April 13, 2018


 Ida has been helping our rescue for awhile.  She has been able to do "jail breaks" on a lot of Pekes for us.  Here she was with Lucky.
 She has dogs of her own-- and a family. 
 So, she is busy caring for all of them.
 But, rescue is something she loves.  Like so many of us, she gives extra! 
 When Jeanne could no longer work on our web site, Ida volunteered to help.
 We all "brainstormed" with her and she ran ideas past us.
 Jeanne did this web site for years and did a magnificent job.   So, the basic site was there. 
 It has been changed a little, so go and check it out.   Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue
 And give Ida a big thank you for taking on this huge job.  And thank Jeanne for all the years she gave to rescue-- the web site, and fostering, and.... everything!
Thank you, Ida.  ❤️


  1. Its wonderful that Ida has helped the Potomac Valley Peke Rescue .... life is so busy these days but Ida does a mighty job!
    Thank you Ida :)

    I am thinking of you Jeanne and sending prayers.

  2. Long story but Potomac Valley Peke Rescue became my channel to follow and participate in the rescue world.

    We had lost our beloved Patches and Cupcake who filled our live for 14 years and passed within 18 months of each other and adopted a frightened and mistreated Peke locally before being gifted by angel Susan Plante Gayle of Little Paws Big Heart rescue in Maine with the Little Queen Willow and later Mercer Meyer Mason VIII. We added the VIII to his given name in order to give him a history as his life was a mystery when he was picked up off the streets of Chicago injured, ragged and hungry. He was classified as a Pekingese but he turned out to be a Peke/Pom and what a character he was and is. If it's possible to get into trouble or something he will find then he's your boy for that.

    It was at that point that we began to follow Pekingese rescue group Potomac Valley on Facebook and we haven't stopped. We love Jeanne and all the work she did and pray for her recovery. Linda Maxwell and her beautiful family keeps us laughing and in awe of all that she does and she has now introduced us to Ida who works hard in a background.

    We have met so many wonderful wonderful people in the rescue world through Facebook and discovered several groups dedicated to Pekingese from all over the world.

    In today's world we must cling to the good and keep the faith that our country will survive the upheaval so clinging to the good and faithful people here is our life saver.

  3. Lost Earring said it all! But thank you Ida for taking on all that you do for PVPR. Yes, Jeanne Powers Reeves did a wonderful job until health issues prevented her from continuing, but of course she keeps up with what's going on with PVPR. Thank you Jeanne for your tireless work! And yes, Linda Maxwell is doing a wonderful job with so many Pekes and the blog. And then, she has all of the Bits visiting for Camp Runamuck. Don't know how Linda keeps up with so many things. Plus now, Linda has to help her husband Matt after back surgery. Thanks to ALL of you and others that foster and sometimes transport. Your dedication to Pekes and PVPR is gratefully appreciated!
