Friday, May 25, 2018


 Arby came into rescue in August of 2010.  She was with the Bristol 18 group of Pekes we rescued from a backyard breeder. 
 Look at how beautiful Arby became.
 She was a heart-worm positive, skinny Peke with a horrible coat (lack of nutrition, baths, medical care...).
 She began to thrive once she was in rescue and began eating good food and had a warm, safe place to be and people who loved her.
 She was adopted and lived a life of love with her family.   Her mom and I became friends and she always kept me up to date on how Arby was doing.   She went from neglected to...
 Stunning.  Arby was 16 years old and I just saw her at the picnic this year. 
Arby died in her sleep yesterday-- but she had gone to bed and was happy and dreaming and her tail was wagging.   She just peacefully went to the Rainbow Bridge where she joined others from her group like Rita/Jingles, Chubs (Pablo), Precious, George, and Old Floyd.  I'm sure they all joined in to tell of their lives since they were rescued.   Enjoy all your friends, Arby.   Run free now, sweet girl.  You were greatly loved here.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sad to read this.... I remember her photo when you got the Bristol 18.
    What a wonderful life she had when rescued!
    Dear Arby will be so missed.
