Sunday, May 20, 2018


 Chumley has done well this week.  He's on a new med and it's helping his digestive system.   
 But, he was getting fuzzy.   Really fuzzy! 
 And the heat coming would be really hard on him. He has allergies and his hair needed to be cut off.    So, I asked his vet if he could have a light calming medication and go to the vet groomer for a haircut.   She said he could, and he could stay in the quiet hospital side.   I thanked her for that!   (I love Acredale Animal Hospital in Virginia Beach-- they are SO good to me!)
 He did really well and he was done quickly and now his hair is short and he's so happy. 
 And he has his toy and he loves it.  His brother, Max, was also there and they were together, and that helped, too.  They both got to stay in the quiet side. :-)
Chumley says HAPPY SUNDAY! 

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