Saturday, May 5, 2018


 Guess where I am!!  THE PVPC PICNIC!   Kai Kai and Floyd were supposed to come but they stayed home w Matt.
They are very special need and I need to be able to take care of them. But Natt my husband is up to the task.
 Chumley is also home with my husband.   My husband can't be in a car since he had back surgery, so he can have a boys' week-end with Chumley and Max and Kai Kai and Floyd.
 Yes, Max, it will be quiet for sure!
The Sisters, Nala and BeeBee will be at the vet since they can't be around other dogs (due to their IMHA).    Don't worry, I'll pick them up as soon as I get back in town!   They get a lot of attention at the vet and are not in the kennel area, but are in an area where they can be seen in case they have a seizure.   I miss them already!   For today, I'm just having fun!


  1. I wish I was there!
    Have fun at the picnic everyone and Matt..... you have a great boys day too :)

    Hope there will be lots of adoptions Linda ... doing my Adoption Dance right now!!!!

  2. Priceless photo of the Sisters doing their thing sitting on the table. And a special treat seeing the gang being cared for by the man of the house today.
