Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Toys?   We have plenty!!
 Chumley likes one toy-- and one toy only.
 His double tennis ball, dumbell, toy. 
 I had to buy four of them, so we could always find at least one-- Sugar Bit hides them in places I don't think to look. LOL
 The Pekes here have the Bits to play with. 
 But, Chumley wants HIS toy-- the Sisters like this toy, too, and he is perplexed about sharing.
 We don't need more toys-- but the Sisters, BeeBee and Nala, were fascinated with what Sugar Bit was holding.
 Oranges?  Really??
 Sugar Bit rolled it and the Sisters went after them.    What is this-- it's soft and squishy.
 It must be okay if it was rolled for her to catch.   YUM.
They decided, with Max, that oranges were not what they wanted.   They are trying for something else!  😉

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