Thursday, June 14, 2018


 Russell came into rescue over two years ago. 
He was 7-8 years old and his skin was awful.   So many dogs have allergies or are not fed well and it shows in their health, their eyes, their skin.
 Russell was lucky-- he was in rescue and soon found a wonderful home with Alyssa.
 She loves her boy.  He goes on so many adventures with her.  To the beach, on nature walks, out with friends. 
 He is adored by so many, but none more than his mom.
 He loves to snuggle up with her after a long day.
 It's a wonderful place to be-- safe, cared for, cherished.  He is loved!

1 comment:

  1. That just warms my heart ..... and its very cold here in the place I live in Australia !! LOL
