Monday, July 16, 2018


I met Jeanne when she applied to foster for us in 2009.   I had been in rescue for six years and welcomed a new foster home and friend.   (Our group is over 30 years old, so there have been so many wonderful people in rescue and Jeanne was a wonderful addition.)
 Jeanne and Bill-- with Hannah-- love the Pekes. 
 Jeanne had many other interests.  She loved her chickens!
 Bill built an incredible enclosure for them-- and Jeanne decorated it!
 Didi, Jill Lee, and Sassy were three of hers that had so much of her love.
 Jeanne was a Master Gardener and her back yard was stunning.  So many of us had the pleasure of seeing it.
 In the winter, it had a peaceful beauty.
 Jeanne was part of rescuing so many-- Gus was one of them.  So many come to us in horrific condition, and Jeanne helped Gus to heal and have a wonderful life with his mom in New York.
 Jeanne was an identical twin-- her sister, Janice, is a lovely person.
 We have become good friends.  Many of you have the pleasure of knowing her, too.  Her loss of her twin sister is so great.
 Jill Lee will miss her mom so much.  Jeanne had kept some of our special dogs and loved each one of them.  (Jill Lee and Hannah were hers before she began rescue.)
 Jeanne was also quite a cook!   She brought wonderful things to our Peke meetings.   I remember her making a tomato pie and she told me, "It's smack-your-mama good!"  That just made me laugh.
 Jeanne came to our picnics and we all had so much fun seeing adopted Pekes.  (Gus never forgot his foster mom.)
 Jeanne had such a heart for rescue.  She had experience and was always learning more.  She and I shared so much on the phone calls during the 7 years she was able to help us in rescue.   When Jeanne became sicker, she sent a letter to the board resigning.  We didn't accept it.   She was part of us, even if she could not help us, so we gave her an "Emerita" status.   She didn't have to do anything, just take care of herself.  Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - About Us
 Our board made her a special blanket to thank her for all she had done.   She loved it-- I told her it was covered in love, so when she felt bad, she was to wrap herself up in it.
 Jeanne loved her local coffee shop, Stir Crazy Cafe, in Richmond.   She loved her morning tea and chats with her friends each day. 
 Jeanne fostered so many for us.   If there were puppies, she really was good at that.   My grandson loved visiting her home when the Bristol 18 came into rescue.  He adored the puppies.  (Jeanne loved my grandson.  For some reason, she just adored him.  I love this picture of him at her home.)
 Jeanne loved every dog that came through her home.   They were all cared for and she did everything possible for them.
Freddie Leaf loved Jeanne and he wrote this for her.   
 When I think of Jeanne, I will remember what she did for PVPC and our foster dogs.  She was amazing.   We will all miss her-- we will miss her humor, her stubborness, her love. 
 Jeanne is now with so many Pekes who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  I imagine there was quite a reunion.   💗

Denise made this beautiful tribute to Jeanne.
(2) Tribute to Jeanne Powers Reeves Potomac Valley Pekingese rescue - YouTube

Jeanne's funeral will be in Richmond, VA

Bliley Funeral Home
Address: 3801 Augusta Ave, Richmond, VA 23230
Hours: Open 24 hours
Phone: (804) 355-3800
Arrangements for Jeanne Powers Reeves
July 18, 2018
Viewing for 1 hour 10:00am to 11:0am then the service,
after the service Forest Lawn Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia
Phone for Forest Lawn Cemetery 804-321-7655


  1. What a wonderful tribute to Jeanne !!!

    It was so moving Linda .. it was "Smack your Mama good!" .... I reckon Jeanne would agree :)

    I cannot be with you all at the funeral tomorrow in Richmond Virginia but I will be there in spirit.

    Vale Jeanne .. the saviour of so many Pekingese and other dogs who ( some ) will be waiting for her at the Rainbow Bridge and what a party they will have .

    Love to you all at Must Love Peke's .... a very hard and sad day coming up.

  2. A beautiful tribute to our wonderful Jeanne. A protector of pekes. An avid and gifted gardener, a loving and thoughtful friend, A true supporter of peke rescue. A sometimes stubborn yet loving, caring true friend. I will miss morning tea with Jeanne and our always spirited conversations, One friend used to say that we came together in the mornings for tea and coffee with Jeanne to right the wrongs of the world.

  3. So much love. So much heart. So much of our hearts with Jeanne.

  4. What a wonderful life and what a wonderful tribute to it. Yes, that was some Peke party in heaven when Jeanne arrived. We miss you much, dear lady, but I know the furkids at the Bridge are havnig a wonderful time.
