Tuesday, July 3, 2018


 Lil Cali Gurl dresses up for holidays and the Fourth of July is no exception.  She's beautiful.
 Some dogs don't hear the fireworks, so they just snooze right through them.
 Others are terrified by the noise.   So, it's our job to make sure they are safe.
 Make sure you pet has a name tag on. ALL THE TIME. Some people remove collars when the dogs are inside.  Dogs can get out unexpectedly-- and with no name tag, no one knows how to help get them home. Keep a collar and name tag on your pet all the time. (I take them off when they get a bath, but they go right back on.)  (Kai Kai is never outside alone, but I will be especially careful when there are fireworks.)
 All my pets are microchipped-- this is in addition to the collar, it's not a replacement for a collar/name tag. There are pets whose owners get them back because of microchipping. Sometimes, a collar can come off, and a microchip helps. But, it only helps if someone will have the dog checked for one.   You want your precious pet back if it's lost.
 When the fireworks begin, make sure your pets are INSIDE. Do not leave them unattended in the yard, because they can just be so afraid that they somehow get out of your fence. Dogs that are afraid of fireworks (thunder,too) are not "thinking" and just want to get away from the sound.   My fence line is pretty secure, but boards can come loose and dogs can run in fear.
 Some dogs need some help when there is a storm or when the fireworks are making noise and flashing lights.   A thundershirt can help with some.  Meds may help.  An Adaptil collar may help. 
I use white noise-- a fan, a TV, a radio-- to block out or at least mute many of the firework sounds.   This can really help many dogs.   
Keep your dogs close, inside and safe.   They are counting on you.   💗

1 comment:

  1. Same in my country .... when they have fireworks the pounds get full of frightened dogs that escape :(
