Thursday, July 26, 2018


Dumfries and Tinkerbelle lived in a home where the owner had passed away.  They were not cared for in a long time.
We were asked to help them and we did.  Fia stepped up and went to get them.   
Tinkerbelle was a little nervous-- but Dumfries was all happiness and joy.   They smelled a bit like car oil, so we assumed they were kept in the garage.
They met Fia's dogs-- and they all did great.  We had been told that Tinkerbelle didn't like big dogs, but she didn't mind them at all.   Big Chance is so good with Fia's visitors!   He really watches over them.
Dumfries needed to be neutered, but Tinkerbelle needed serious mouth help.  Her mouth/teeth/gums were a mess and she was in pain.   She had a lot of work done and will be on soft food for several weeks.   She will feel better than she has in a long time.
Dumfries and Tinkerbelle are small, about 12 pounds.  Dumfries is two and Tinkerbelle is 7.   Dumfries has almost no tail-- he was either born that way or lost it somehow.  But, it still wags so cute!!
We had immediate interest in both of them!   In fact, they've already been adopted into wonderful homes.  Tinkerbelle's new name is Tali Shih-- means something with white dog. :-)  (Both applicants had been pre-approved.  We had a lot of people asking about them, but the approved applicants were given first choice.  If you think you want to adopt, doing the application ahead of time will mean you have a better chance.   Potomac Valley Pekingese Club - Online Application adopt)
We are so glad we could help these two beautiful Pekes!! 


  1. They are both so beautiful Linda and I am so glad they have a new family :) !!!

  2. Gorgeous Pekes! I hope their new owners will allow the pups to visit? They seemed like a bonded pair. Hopefully they remain in touch.

  3. Dumfries...Don't worry about not having much of a tail. It just follows you wherever you go. If I don't keep Ginkgo's "Peketail" trimmed, the hair part gets stepped on or caught in the door!
