Friday, August 10, 2018


 Nala and BeeBee came to me in January from a shelter near me.  Their owner had turned them both in.
 They both had bad seizures and we finally got the seizures mostly under control.   Break through seizures occurred, but we had special meds for that.
 They loved to be together, and under a pillow tent was the best.
 They always seemed to be touching. 
 One foot over the other was great.
 Kissing was even better.
 They were also diagnosed with IMHA.  They were later diagnosed with ITP (together these are called Evan's Syndrome--
 Why?   There is no rhyme or reason as to why some dogs get this awful disease.  To have both girls get it was devastating.  (My foster, Lexie, had this and my adopted foster, Koko, also got it.)
 They are both so sweet.  They do have a thing for tables.
 It's another pillow cave.  They loved adventures together.
 These sweet faces brightened my days. 
 We began them on medicine for the IMHA.   Having both of them fighting seizures and IMHA was a challenge.   But, we gave meds, and scheduled vet visits and kept a close eye on them both.
 Nala was diagnosed first.    And about a week later, BeeBee was diagnosed.  If something happened to one of them, we waited for it to happen to the other.
 With IMHA, I watch the tongue color closely because it's an indicator of how their red blood cells are doing.   Nala makes it easy, since he tongue usually is not completely in her mouth.
 BeeBee had the tip out-- but I could still see the color.
 Both of them would let me pull up their lip to check their color.   Such good girls.  I could do anything to them. 
 BeeBee seemed to be doing the best for awhile. 
 She would even curl up with Max.
 But, together is where they both wanted to be.  They were litter mates and had always had each other.
 They both loved Sugar Bit.
 The Three Musketeers.
 BeeBee discovered Starlight's place under the table.  None of the others have done this.
 BeeBee was the one mostly likely to be on the side table.
 And she was so good when we were at the vet with Dr. Meador.   Sugar Bit was very involved.
 They loved to watch me mowing the yard.
 They were always close to each other.
 They even liked Chumley's special dumbbell toy.
 We went to the vet often to monitor their seizure disorder and the IMHA.   "Small" blood work can be done to keep tabs on the PCV (pack cell volume-- the red blood count).
 They were fine with Sugar Bit helping with the exam.
 BeeBee injured her foot three weeks ago.   It wasn't healing.   And their PCV numbers, which had gone up some, began to change.   Nala's dropped a bit and then went back up. 
 But, BeeBee's numbers dropped.   And dropped.
 The infection in her leg was getting worse, despite meds and foot soaks. 
 If the infection wasn't controlled and improved, she would not make it.  So, we took a chance this week and did surgery to clean the foot, remove some infected areas and put some drains in.   She had  surgery and she did well.
 I brought her home the second day (she was there for monitoring the first night).
 I watched her carefully.  With IMHA, blood clots, especially in the lungs, is one of the major issues.  And if it begins, it can rapidly get worse.
 I noticed that she was having trouble breathing on Wednesday night.  My vet is open all the time, so at 10:15 at night, we went back in.  They immediately put her on oxygen.   She was beginning to have pulmonary blood clots-- my worse nightmare.
 Nala was doing fine-- and she tried to encourage her sister.  Everything was done to combat the clots, but as morning approached, they got worse and she started getting them all over her body.  She lost the feeling in her legs from the clots. 
 I arrived back at the vet at 7:15 a.m. and she was in great distress.  Her body was done.  Nala was with me, and we gently said good-bye to BeeBee.   I'm not a crier, but my heart broke.  And I cried.  And I held BeeBee and told her I loved her.   I put a cross mark with my finger on her head and said good-bye. 
 We loved her.   We did all we could for her.  And then we did more.   But, IMHA is a formidable enemy and we did not win. 
Now, I will do all I can to help Nala have victory over this disease, help her control her seizures.  I will give her extra love and attention and play time.   I know IMHA can change her in a moment, but each day, I will be grateful for more time with her.  I'm blessed that I had them both in my life.   That I could be their foster mom.   Nala will be with me the rest of her life now.   However long that is.   
Kay and Claretta send me a message after I told them about BeeBee.  They said, "From your hands to God's hands is our final act of rescue."   They have no idea how much that soothed my pain.
BeeBee was a little warrior-- she fought to live.  She fought to stay with us.   She will wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge.  I'm sure Starlight and Pi and Floyd-- and Scooterbug, Cranberry, Coffeecake, Lexie, Pandy, Shadow, Joshua, Chloe and so many others, met her there.   Run free, and breathe well, my precious girl.  I love you.  ❤️


  1. Poor little BeeBee .... she is not in pain anymore.
    Hugs to you Linda ... you did such a mighty job with her.

  2. Now i’m crying. This is just so sad. I know you and your vets did all they could, but God wanted her more. Hug Nala and keep her close as it’s going to be hard on her without her sister. RIP Beebee. 😥

  3. Sweet BeeBee may she Rest In Peace.... I cannot describe the wave of sadness that washed over me when I read your post about BeeBee’s passing. Since they came to you early in the year, I have been following the Sisters. In recent weeks, I always check your page for news of BeeBee and Nala every minute- the good news about tests would fill me with joy. I’ll always remember the sisters together — I’ll send extra love to Nala. Your work with Pekes continues to be a source of inspiration for me. ❤️❤️❤️

  4. No more pain for little BeeBee. Run free over the rainbow bridge! The story of her life is so very touching. I am crying while I'm sending this message. Linda I have lost two Pekingese in my life and I truly didn't think I would get through it. I wanted to go to heaven and be with them. Right now I have two Pekingese and would do anything at all for them. I love them so very much. Actually I have loved any dog that I had since I was very young. They are my family. My husband & I don't have any children, so we consider our fur babies our children naturally. Linda you are truly an inspiration to me. You remind me of myself, doing anything possible for your little fur babies. I know you will give BeeBee's sister lots & lots of hugs. You both need each other right now. God bless you Linda! Rest easy now little girl in heaven with all the other fur babies.

  5. Thank you for sharing your Beautiful Babies.And they're incredible lives with you. The pictures say it all. What Love Bugs! You are all so blessed to have each other. To make so many wonderful memories. I'm Crying and my heart breasks for you and Nala.
    #BeautifulBeeBee #RunFree #Rainbow bridge ..... Until You All Meet Again. 🐾🐾💔🐾🐾

  6. God must have needed sweet BeeBee for His garden .Im so sorry for your loss, i share your tears. Your stories of both girls melt my heart.
