Tuesday, August 7, 2018


 Max and his sister, Maggie, came into rescue in 2008. 
 They had been dumped together in a field in the middle of "nowhere" near me.  They had microchips, and we contacted the owners with no response.   I knew where they had lived (from the microchip), so I called every vet in that area and was able to get their records.   In rescue, we can become sleuths to find what we need. 
 Max was missing an eye already, and he was sweet, but also grumpy.
 He immediately found the ottoman in front of the window.   He still loves that ottoman.  The toys, not so much.  Someone else put them there. LOL
 He loved the Pekingese Pathway. 
 Max was good with all the fosters that came and went.   Joyful Bubbles came over and he was so kind to her. 
 Fosters came and were adopted.  His sister, Maggie, was adopted.   When she was adopted after almost a year (she was a sick girl and took a long time to get well), I decided Max had earned his place here and we adopted him.
 Max was willing to share his ottoman sometimes-- here he is with Bentley. 
 And granddog Callie.
 Max and his buddy, Chumley.  Chumley is about 14 now.  He's losing some of his sight and hearing, but he loves to play with his dumbbell. 
 His sister, Maggie was a beauty.  She passed away last year. 
 She was the cutest dog!
 Max did fine without her because he stayed in his familiar environment with us.   He loves to watch TV.   In fact, he really lets the TV know his opinion if an animal is on there.  Now Nala joins him!
 He loves snow, and his yard.  He has a spot where he loves to just hang out.   He can lap in the shade as long as I will let him (which isn't long). 
 He is slower now.   He gets eye drops and his hearing is diminished.
 He is much grayer.
 He loves us-- even though he can be grumpy. 
 He likes to be left alone some.   He's not super social.
 But, he keeps an eye on Kai Kai.
 I often find them together.
 I love this picture.
 My rescue motto is this-- and it sure made a difference for Max.   (And so many others.)
 He loves our home-- even though he doesn't show it. 😛
 He loves the blanket that Jackie made.
 I can't believe he is 15 years old today.   (We know his birthday from all the paperwork we discovered when we found his vet.) 
 We will celebrate this milestone!
Happy Birthday, Max!!!💙

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Max !!!!

    Lots of love from your two Aussie girlfriends :) XXX !!
