Tuesday, August 14, 2018


 Nala was with BeeBee her whole life.   We believe they were litter mates, and you all know how attached to each other they were.
 Nala was there when BeeBee left us.   I wanted her to be there since I knew we were losing the battle to save BeeBee. 
 I knew we would need to give Nala a lot of attention to help her adjust to life without her sister.
 So far, she is doing well.  The pink toy helps.
 It is usually close by.
 Sugar Bit rubbed her back to help her to feel better.   Some people think Nala looks sad here, but she's not.  She's just holding on to her toy. 
 Sugar Bit and Nala fell asleep together.  I love this.  Nala adores her Sugar Bit.
 In the morning, Nala tried to beg for my breakfast.
 It's hard to resist this sweet face, but I don't want to throw anything unusual into her system, no matter how "easy" it may seem.  Her system is fragile and we keep to a tight schedule.
 I'm so sorry, Nala.  I know you want what I'm eating.   How about a taste of bread?  Plain, no butter. 
 She gave up, settled into her chair, and took a little nap.
 Rested enough!  She went and got Chumley's toy!
 Nala insisted on helping me paint even though I was only painting the top half of the walls.  I don't know how she ended up with it on her head.   (Yes, it was low "fumes"-- no comments on paint please.)
 She curled up on the blankets I was trying to fold.  UMMM, you're in the way!
 We had a scheduled appointment for her and BeeBee, so I kept it anyway.   We decided to add a med that her sister was going to go on-- they did everything the same, so we want to be ahead of the game.
So far, Nala is doing well.  We play with her, hold her, let her have "bed time" before we all go to sleep (with the pred she is on, she has to be where she can get to a piddle pad at night, but she is doing fine).   We hope the IMHA monster doesn't make an appearance for Nala.  We know it can happen, but today, she is good.  And she is happy and loved and having fun.  Today.  That's good. 

1 comment:

  1. I do hope Nala does not miss her BeeBee .... seems Sugar Bit did the trick Linda.
